Monday, December 13, 2010

Guten Tag !

To all my German followers -  Froeliche Weinachten ! (did I spell that right?) (does it mean what I meant it to ? LOL) I just love seeing who comes to visit AND join me, and for the last week, Germany is #3....see if we can get even more of you to come over !


Janna Werner said...

It is spelled Fröhliche Weihnachten ;) and means merry christmas, that´s right ;)


Liz said...

Well, I was close. My sister would shoot me, she taught German for many years. I spent 3 years in Germany, at Ramstein AB and RheinMain AB, from 1981 -1984. I used to love the Christmas craft show they had at the Frankfurt airport...and mulled wine...and the chocolate covered cherries with brandy in them, and the wine, did I mention I love German wine ?